I have read
lots of commentary on the verdict from a host of experts, who all have
differing opinions as to why the jury was wrong. Most believe that the case will not survive
appeal, or will be settled and disappear.
personally hope that a great legal journalist like Stan Soocher can get hold of
the transcript, talk to the key players and tell us what really happened,
because procedurally the case is fascinating.
I can’t
help but think that there must be something there. Otherwise the case would not
have survived summary judgment (the pre-trial procedure whereby a moving party
seeks to establish that there are no genuine issues of material fact at
It seems
that once the case moved beyond that phase and into the hands of the jury then
there were multiple possible outcomes.
The most fascinating thing I read all week was an interview with the
Marvin Gaye Estate lawyer Richard Busch (a member of the Nashville Bar) in the Hollywood Reporter where he detailed in
very specific terms the reasons why he thinks he won the case. I believe that at the end of the day the
plaintiffs were able to convince the jury of the substantial similarity of the
two works and this prevailed over the defendant’s insistence that there were
“note per note differences” between the two songs. As Busch states in the interview “this was a
straight up copyright claim over compositional elements that we believed had
been taken.” Interestingly, Busch
highlighted the assistance of two musicologists he employed as expert
witnesses, Judith Finell and Ingrid Monson.
I am sure that their testimony was extremely important to the jury, as
were the apparent inconsistencies in the testimony of Robin Thicke and Pharrel
Williams. Something must also be said for the fact that Thicke and Williams
essentially started the lawsuit by filing a declaratory judgment action against
the Gaye Estate (seeking a court judgment that there was no copyright
infringement). I can’t help but believe
that this strong arm tactic must have had some effect on the jury.
Will the
case have the “chilling effect” on creativity that many commentators are
concerned with? Will it encourage a rash
of lawsuits from aggrieved composers and artists now emboldened by this
decision? I don’t really think so. I
think that as Busch said, this was a straightforward case of copyright infringement
and the plaintiffs did a better job of proving their case.If the jury went too far then I think that this is
going to be an important case to watch on appeal.
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